The reason this so often asked is because so many lenders will not offer a buy to let loan to a limited company. However, Lewis O’Sullivan, of Stirling Partners Finance Limited, explains “There are several lenders who will lend to limited companies but nowhere near as many as the number that will lend to individuals.
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The short term finance market is very diverse and getting reliable statistics is not easy but theAssociation of Short Term Lenders collects data from its members who have witnesses a 49% growth in lending year on year from March 2014 to March 2015. So why is bridging finance becoming more important? Danny O’Sullivan, Head of
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Experienced property developers know their business and the pitfalls and are good at managing risks – so the ultra-cautious response of many lenders to requests for funding causes frustration. Many forms of property finance have returned to something near normal over the last year or so, but lenders are still reluctant players in the development market. The reason is that
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